
Showing posts from May, 2011

Just a random one

Hi peeps. My days were good. Life as normal. No special event. Just study study study. To my friends that had started F6, All the best in your studies and Hwaiting! =)


因为爱,所以爱, Because of love, so love 珍惜在一起的愉快 Cherish the happy moments we had together 一分开,你不在, Once separated, you're not here anymore 怀念空气里的对白 Miss the dialogue in the air 因为爱,所以爱, Because of love, so love 让我付出我的关怀 Let me sacrifice my care 不管风吹或日晒, Doesn't matter if the wind blows or the sun shines 我才明白一切都是因为爱 Later only I understand it's all because of love. Sorry people I know my translation sucks. LOL Anyway, I'm in a good mood today. Nice day my friends ^^

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful

Hello readers. Good day. Today is Mother's Day! Have you wish your mom and give her a big hug? ^^ Yesterday went to Thirty-two Bistro to celebrate my sis's birthday. Well, I didn't drink alcohol anyway. My sis ordered 'Shirley Temple' for me. It's a non-alcoholic cocktail. Although there's a big gap between me and my sis's friend but anyway I had lots of fun yesterday night because all her friends are so crazy. LOL My sis was knock-out yesterday and I have to drive her home. The feeling of driving Vios was superb! This morning I drove again because my sis ask me to send her to her work place. After that I have to drive home alone and the feeling was even superb! Back to yesterday night, my sis friend, William can actually finish the beer in one shot. Truth to be told he was very cool. I can't remember how many glass he drank but he was quite steady when we went home. But anyway, yesterday was totally an experience to me. ^^ I got addicted to Keri Hi