
Showing posts from May, 2013

Update #10

46days!!!!! Only left 46days and I can finally go home and officially complete my first year. AAAAHHHHH time flies. Happy happy happy happy... Recently I'm quite good. 'It' is not bothering me anymore. I don't give a single damn now seriously. Time to move on and start looking for a better one. I have been single for erm 1year9months? Hahaha. I admit lar sometimes a lil bit desperate cause of loneliness but sometimes the thought of committing freaks me out. So yea, really depends on my mood. So dear God, when is he coming? Soon? Or never? Hahaha. Ehhhh cute guy why you no come talk to me??? Hahaha. Will you talk to me in the future? Yes or No? Will we be friends? Can I get to know you? :) Anyway, you'll come talk to me first HAHAHA. Confident sial zzz Last but not least, popi popi my results cantek cantek. Hahaha. Will update blog again soon!


Lessons in life: 1. Do not compare because by comparing, you're going nowhere. Comparing won't make you any better. Do your best in every single thing you do. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it for yourself, not others. 2. Why bother what others said? They wanna boast, they wanna talk bad about you, let them. Always remember to be humble cause "empty kettle makes the most noise". 3. What goes around comes around. Be true to yourself, don't cheat, don't boast, don't do WHATEVER SHIT that you don't want others to do to you. 4. Take things easy . Why bother? It's not even your problem. 5. Don't look back to your past! Just keep moving forward. What happened cannot be changed anymore but you certainly can change the future. 6. This world is unfair , everyone knows. If you're wondering, why some people get what they desired and you get nothing. God is fair. HE certainly has gave you something that others don't have.