You mad?

I thought when I socialize less, I will get less shits. Already locked myself in the room all the time, yet I still get shits. Seriously, you eff-ing crazy or lack of attention? Is that one of your way to get attention? Congrats you succeededt. You got my eff-ing attention and I also saw your true colours. Big round of applause for you. No one told you small kids are nice. You're older and I thought you can think a teenie weenie bit wiser than me. Hey, if people around you are trying so hard to polish your shoes and ass, sorry I'm not one of them. I'm not here to impress you. And yea, I never put a knife on your neck and force you to talk to me! SO DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TALKING TO ME IS SO DEMOTIVATING. Did I beg you to talk to me? No. God sent me to earth to talk nice nice to you? Fucking no. So get lost and don't ever judge how I talk and how I think. I'm negative, my problem. Does it bother you? Obviously no. If it does, you're probably a worm in my ass. Or else I can't think of any reason why you will be affected.

You wanna M16 me, come on do it right bro. Don't bring up other issues. Seriously my crush scratched your car ar? Or set fire to your house? You wanna bring up this topic? OK CAN. You let me turn my crush into my boyfriend, I swear that will be the tightest slap I can give you and zip your mouth shut.

And I'm pretty sure, I will have the chance to give you that tight slap. Till then!


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