Moms are always like that right, they never praise their own kids no matter how great they are. But deep inside, they actually feel so proud of their kids. Yea, typical chinese moms. My momzie also a very typical chinese mother, but I still love her no matter what. She taught me to be humble, never over- confident. Even though sometimes I hate how she made me feel so small and useless, but I understand all her effort. She want me to be a humble person. Don't have to tell the world how great you are because the people that know you will know how great you are. Alright, makes sense. She keep reminding me not to do this and that and study hard. And everytime she said that I've to convince her that I will be good and I will study hard. Sometimes in my heart I'll be like, aaahhhh you don't have to tell me that all the time. I will study hard. 

I know I shouldn't be complaining or what. Because only moms will do that. Be grateful that I still have a mom to nag me all the time. Because some people they don't even have a mom by their side to talk to them or nag them. Yea, I will love my mom more. 100 or 1000 or 10000 times more than now. No matter how small she made me feel, I must love her till the end. 

Mom, I might not be the smartest person in class, I might not be a top scorer. But I promise you I'll graduate in 5 years time and be a very good dentist in the future. And I know by that time, you'll be proud of me :')

Dear God, let this semester be better than the semester before. I'm very satisfied with my semester2 results so I hope I can maintain 3.0 and above till my third year. Two more months before I can go home. Gonna fight till the end and go home happily for holiday. Really can't wait to go home seriously. Miss mom's cooking, miss my bed, miss my family and I miss chao tau fu!!! hahahaha. See you two months later ;)))


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