
Showing posts from July, 2011


If jumping off a building can solve the problem, I guess I would have jumped. Every time when I think of how bad I am in studies, I feel like crying, slapping myself tight tight. If slapping plus crying can make me smarter, I don't mind crying everyday till my eyes are swollen and slapping myself till my face is red. I used to tell myself that genes make me like that. I have been putting all the blames on my genes. =.= It is so true that I'm a jack of all traits but master of none. I know this a little bit and I know that a little bit. My mom used to say that I carry a lot of knives with me but none of them are sharp. What is the point of having so many knives when non of them are sharp? If you have one good and sharp knife with you, you can even kill a person. And those who have many knives and all are sharp, those are really masters! I hope I can at least pick a knife that I have and start sharpening it. But which one? It seems that all the knives that I carry are too blunt,


I feel sorry for myself because I'm such a vulnerable person. Even small things can bring me down. I just hope one day I will be able to understand the phrase 'Take it easy'. Life can be very simple. Doing things that you love. Ignoring things that you hate. STOP THINKING NONSENSE. Recently I'm in misery. Please, stop singing that song. I try to forget but I can't. This issue is driving me crazy. And, I don't remember how many times I cried because of this. The reasons are not important. As long as I still carry a smile on face, there's nothing to be worried about. Don't ask me what happened because you will only make me recall the pain. Yea, I was hurt so badly and I need time to forget. I will forget, I promise.

Love lessons

Once a day: Laugh together Talk to each other for half an hour about anything and everything Hugs. Once a week: Sit in silence together for a while, somewhere where both of you love. Give each other a break, go separate ways and spend a few hours apart. Once a month: Watch sunrise Give each other some surprises. Once a year: Celebrate anniversaries Holiday separately because missed people become closer. Once a lifetime: Get married with the one you loved Make it through a major relationship obstacle Become parents.

Saturday so what? =.=

It's Saturday peeps. And I'm rotting at home. No hang out because of the 'Bersih' thing. Sight. Second mother came to pay a visit so don't have the mood to do anything. Yesterday experienced the worst traffic jam I've seen so far. Still am quite grateful that I reached home early. Some of my friends were stuck in the traffic for hours and Darren dear reach home at 11pm. == Only in Malaysia you can experience this. Are you proud to be a Malaysian? FTW Thanks to Chris that I'm watching all those 'Bersih' videos now. LOL It's so addictive. I should be doing SAQ now but I'm so not in the mood now. So how? Die lor. T.T