
Showing posts from September, 2011

Hui Lin oh Hui Lin

What am I doing? WHAT AM I DOING? Oh my I should be studying now instead of surfing the net. And now, blogging some more. Hui Lin, you're kinda, hopeless I can say. Haha. This week, did something that I have never done before for my past 17 years. Went to Cyber cafe to game. With my classmates. Yea, I love my classmates a lot. We're like one big family, go everywhere together. Lunch together. Though sometimes they prefer to go eat at the market, which me, Chris and Chiyin will definitely not go. Anyway, enough about my classmates. Called my mom yesterday and mom said I forgotten her cause I have not call her for like a week? Sighh was kinda upset after I talked to her cause she brought up some topic that I don't wish to mention at all. But nevermind. I don't blame her cause she knew nothing, so yea just forget bout it. To my best friends, I hope they are seeing this. Especially for Elaine, I was touched by your post seriously. No one in this world will ever think that I

Came and left

Hello readers I'm back. Mock exam was over and I did so badly. No point crying because there's no one to be blamed but myself. If you ask, how much effort that I put in. I'll tell you it's just 30%. Well, my life. Can I say it's disastrous? Lol I know shouldn't say that. Good things bad things happened in our life to make it meaningful. There's so much that I wish I could tell him. I'm not mad at him or what. I knew this day would come but I never expected it come so fast. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. From today onward, my only concentration should be on studies. In order to achieve my dream, I know I can no longer procrastinate anymore. Friends out there, I hope you guys too are working hard for your goals. Best of luck in whatever you're doing. One thing I'm sure now is, we'll shine together in the future. Have a nice day!