
Showing posts from October, 2012

Update #2

Mid term exam in 2 days time. Oh lord. So much to cover but so little time. No matter how consistent I am, it's still impossible to finish. That is why they say, medic student never get more than 5 hours of sleep. But I'm sleeping more than that everyday. Which means I'm totally H-O-P-E-L-E-S-S. Whatever lar. I'm going to be one of the 'black horse' lol lol lol. I am very grateful that it is MCQ. Which means I can 'tikam'. why did i use tikam? tsk hahaha. I saw my neighbour cried, which increased my guiltiness. Oh lord, what am I doing? Why I'm not worried like my friends. I mean, I should be worried right? Alright whatever it is, I promised myself and everyone that I'll finish in 5 years. I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!! Sometimes I am really annoyed by those people who send me loads of link and ask me to click just so they can get money. I know it's just clicking. This shows how materealistic people can be. When they need your help, they'll be lik

Update #1

My dear friends! Sorry for not updating you guys. I know it has been long. I've been here for one month plus. So many things happened and I obviously can't mention every single thing. But one thing I must let you all know, I won't be as free as last time. So much to catch up and I can no longer procrastinate. New friends, new environment. Conflicts are unavoidable. I learn to be a more tolerable and forgiving person. In short, become more 'cincai' lar. Don't count so much. Do my own work. Help if someone needs help. Most important, be happy and don't let anything spoil my mood. I still practice 'the secret', no joke. lol. New place, obviously will check out the guys here right. After all I'm a normal girl too. I have my desperate moments too lol joking. Spotted one yang berpotensi but it seems that I'm tepuk tangan sebelah-ing. Sorry for my broken languages. Keep getting false hopes. Very confused too. I can't read guy's mind so I don