
Showing posts from December, 2012

Update #5

Can I get to know you better? I want to know so much about you. I want to know what kind of person you are. What kind of person are you? Good or bad? I don't know.... I feel so defeated. Why do I become so weak when it comes to this kind of matter? Why do I become so not wise? Just for this time Huilin.. Just this time, be wiser. Think what is more important to you. Think about your priority. Don't be so easily defeated. You can do better than this. Seriously I'm tired of guessing this and that. I should let go this burden,right? I shouldn't let this ruin any of my lovely days. After all, I'm not the one taking control of everything. God, Please guide me and bring me to a place that I'm supposed to be at. Thank you...

Update #4

It is easy to ask other people to tryyyyyyy but so hard for ourselves to do it. Human nature I guess. Is it really that hard to fall for person? I don't know. But I think if it's the right person, yea you fall so fast, so hard. They said when the person you love, loves you in return, that's the best thing that can happen in life. Very true indeed. Cause this thing is like a lottery you know. You thought so easy to kena lottery meh, right? I questioned myself so many times. Am I doing the right thing. Friends said I'm not. They say I should retreat before anything happens. Quite true also. I seriously got no other intentions. I just wanna help. Trying my luck to find out the problem and fix it. But the problem is, I'm not the person who is facing the problem. So I shouldn't be so busybody also, right? Yea I think I should 'siam' before things get worst. Conflicts between friends start with misunderstandings and I never want that to happen in my life. So

Ideal guy, criteria #1 SMART

Seriously what I think is, a guy MUST be smart. Smart not as in look smart only. Smart as in clever, intelligent, high EQ and IQ etc.. What is the point of looking smart outside but inside is grass, right?? Kayyy I'm mean I'm mean. Guys, say whatever you wanna say. Girls are all like that. We want smart guy, handsome guy, rich guy bla bla shit. But let me tell you now, rich or handsome, ugly or poor, INTELLIGENCE is still the most important. Even though this wouldn't sound nice but I still wanna say not so smart guys memang will potong markah one no matter how. When I say smart, I don't mean like those erm nerds. Every paper 100%. Nahhhhh. Smart as in smart. Smart can be in many ways. That's why people always say each and everyone has their own talent. And when you're smart, you don't go around telling people you're smart. Outsiders will automatically feel it whether you're smart or not. lol what im talking. So yea, my conclusion is, people will know