
Showing posts from January, 2014


First post in 2014! I'm finally home for semester break woohoooo. I know it's a bit too late for new year resolutions lol but I don't have any resolutions, not like I will follow haha. But I do have a wishlist. A list of things that I wish to achieve/get in 2014.. 1. Save more money. 2. Study harder than 2013. 3. Get A's in exams. 4. Get A's in socca. 5. Be a more carefree and happy person. 6. Super lucky in everything I do lol. I always think that luck is very important in everything. Exam, opportunity etc. 7. Maintain 46kg haha. 8. Be a nicer person. 9. Peace. 10. A***** wakaka. I think there are alot more haha. But the most important thing that I wished for 2014 is good health and happiness for my parents, family, friends and myself. What is life if you're not healthy and happy? May 2014 be a good year for you, you, you and YOU. I love all of you <3

Assholes everywhere

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!! I'm being nice doesn't mean you can be rude to me. I'm being nice doesn't mean I enjoyed sarcarsm very much. Most important, I'm being nice doesn't mean you can STEP ON MY HEAD AND JUDGE MY FAMILY MEMBERS. Are you really that ignorant or no one actually taught you about manners? You wanna tease me, make me feel stupid, being rude to me like I owed you etc, FINE. Anyhow I'm waiting for that one day that I will explode. But who the hell are you to say my brother is lame. And my brother didn't even do anything to you. You stupid ar? From today onwards, you're going to be a piece of shit to me. Why do you wanna downgrade yourself liddat? Why you wanna make people hate your attitude? After all the conversations that we had, I can only conclude that you are like those ah beng ah seng out there, so no standard. Yes, you might be a smart person. But what's the point of being smart when you have attit