First post in 2014! I'm finally home for semester break woohoooo.
I know it's a bit too late for new year resolutions lol but I don't have any resolutions, not like I will follow haha. But I do have a wishlist. A list of things that I wish to achieve/get in 2014..

1. Save more money.
2. Study harder than 2013.
3. Get A's in exams.
4. Get A's in socca.
5. Be a more carefree and happy person.
6. Super lucky in everything I do lol. I always think that luck is very important in everything. Exam, opportunity etc.
7. Maintain 46kg haha.
8. Be a nicer person.
9. Peace.
10. A***** wakaka.

I think there are alot more haha. But the most important thing that I wished for 2014 is good health and happiness for my parents, family, friends and myself. What is life if you're not healthy and happy? May 2014 be a good year for you, you, you and YOU. I love all of you <3


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