Maybe COURTESY is not in your dictionary

It seems like blogspot has became a place where I express all my dissatisfactions. Because there is no one there to listen to most of my rants Maybe there is someone, my Zhang Bao. But Zhang Bao doesn't understand sometimes. He doesn't get why I'm not happy. Anyways, back to the point.

Courtesy. It means "the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others". Politeness in attitude. Maybe you don't know that cutting off or interrupt when someone is talking is pretty rude. Maybe you're too comfortable, you thought we're close friends and therefore it's okay to be not so polite. But let me tell you, no matter how close we are or how much I don't give a single shit about how you treat me, I am your friend. Aren't you supposed to be polite to your friends? Okay, let's just make it simple. I am your friend. I am not you family members. Therefore I am not obligated to accept or agree or tolerate your not so polite attitude.

Maybe you will say I'm sensitive. Yes I may be sensitive but you hurt my feelings too. You make me question my own existence in the group. You make me feel like a loser. Maybe you don't see how much that affected me. You apologized and I accepted. I forgive but I never forget. I won't forget how you always treat me like a transparent figure. I won't forget how you interrupt me when I was talking in a group and the other group members listened to you instead and forgotten that I was talking. You have a loud voice, that's undeniable. And I understand that the loudest person gets most attention. Frankly speaking, I am annoyed. You're an attention seeker. You seek for attention more than anyone else in the group.

I'm not going to hate you. I'm still going to be nice to you. I just hope one day you get treated exactly like how you treat me today. By then, you will understand how it feels like to be nobody in a group of people. Lastly, I hope you know that sorry is just a word. Everyone can say it. One 'sorry' won't repair the damage that you've done.


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