I've got the feeling that everything is coming to an end soon. But the mischevious side of me can't wait for the end to come. Can't blame me, 6 years of time is not a short period of time. I came to Bandung when I was 19. I am 25 this year, turning 26 in 8 months time? I can say that my youth has been given to the university. From a childish, always seeking for attention girl to now a young woman, I feel that many of my life changes happened here. From single to getting a boyfriend, it happened here. From a person who can't let go of anything to a person who understands the meaning of 'everything happens for a reason'. Life has taught me so many things in these 6 years time. People always say that growing up is an intimidating process, can't deny it especially when I notice the growth within myself. I can confidently tell people that I'm no longer the same person as I was when I just came here. I witnessed the mental and emotion growth in myself. 

As I'm getting near to completing my studies, once in awhile I ask myself "what do you see in yourself in 10 years time?". Man.. this is a tough question. I'm not sure if I will become very successful in 10 years time or not. Maybe I will still be working in a government clinic, getting stable income every month. But the latter is not what I want in life. I want something more. I wanna do something related to my passion. 10 years later, I hope I will still remember this blog and I will re-read this post. 

After graduating, I will enter the next chapter of my life. In the next chapter, please write a good one. The longest chapter ever in my entire life. Hui Lin oh Hui Lin please make sure it is a really good one so that I will have no regrets when I reach the final chapter. 


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