The Secret

Hey peeps, my blog is dying.
Not gonna let her die so Imma update a lil bit.
Hi how are you guys?
So far so good?

Trial exam is coming soon.
I'm doing nothing but sitting here, blogging.
Well I know I suck but that's me you know?
The Procrastinator.
Anyway I'm gonna study, no matter how.

Lately, I have been watching 'The Secret'.
Well, I bet my high school friends will know what it is. Helena, remember?
Anyway it is something worth to watch.
Some might think it's ridiculous because most of the time, the secret doesn't work on them.
Right here I can tell you, it's not ridiculous at all.
Because what those people said in the secret is very true.
To be loved, you must be able to give love.
Same goes to if you wanna be hated, ignored, complained or what so ever, go ahead, complain more.
It's not hard to use the secret.
One word. POSITIVE.
Well, those people might have exaggerated a lil bit.
Haha no offence anyway.
Still, I agreed that when your mind is positive, you'll attract more positive things.
I know sometimes life is hard, things don't go the way you want.
What I think is, if you can manage to put a smile on your face, everything will be alright.
Many things are out of our control.
We can't change it but we can certainly make it better.
So, three words for you guys:

I always tell myself that I deserve to smile, I deserve to be happy.
You should think this way too.
Everyone deserves to smile and be happy.


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