
Showing posts from December, 2011


The 4d2n Langkawi trip is over. I had so much fun. Surely it is a memorable trip. Sorry cause I only have three pictures. I didn't bring any camera and my friends have not uploaded the photos. Sadded. In the airport Group picture taken during island hopping The parody of 'The Apple of My Eyes' lol macam yes. Just a short update. I am really tired. Gonna update more next time. :) Quote of the day: Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already knew.

Outing 13.12.11

Sorry no photos available. Didn't take any photo just now. Actually the outing was okay but we don't have much time. If the outing was longer, I can bet it'll be fun. Anyways, we'll have next time. :) Watched 'Petaling Street Warriors'. Not to say it's a great movie but if you just want to laugh, go watch. Bought myself three things. 1. Yellow colour nail polish 2. Black colour flower earrings 3. Nail decoration. Sorry no picture to illustrate cause I don't know what's wrong with my phone's bluetooth. I can't send the pictures in my phone to my laptop :( Is it my phone's problem or my laptop's problem? Sigh sigh sigh Bored. Messy room sigh Quote of the day: Life is not about the mistakes we’ve made. It’s about the lessons we’ve learned and the friends we’ve gained.

Home is ♥

I'm home! Happy to the max now! :) Camwhore in my room haha Soulmate picked me up from the bus station. Then we went to Ipoh Garden South. There are lots of boutiques there. Seriously if you have lots of money, go there can shop till you drop. Don't even need to ask if I bought myself anything. Of course! Though quite heart aching Green dress!!!! Awesome. Seriously love this dress so much ♥ I forgotten the shop name haha. There's another red one but I like the green one more. They only have two in the shop. I took the S size so left M size. After that we went to Ipoh Parade. Saw my dream bag! A nd it's yellow some more. Awesomeness doubled. ♥ Two ways of using :) I've always wanted to get a bag like this. But those I saw in KL are quite expensive. Around RM50 for one? This one cost me 30 bucks only. Hahahaha soooo happpyyyyyy ♥ ♥ ♥ Quote of the day: If you wanna succeed, never imitate anybody. Never want t

Ipoh here I come!

Finally it's semester break! Finally. This is the last month of the year. Aahhh time flies so fast. I'm turning 19 next year. Good thing or bad thing? I'm coming home! Miss my home. Miss my bed. Miss the good food. Miss my friends. Last but not least I MISS MY FAMILY ESPECIALLY MY PARENTS. Called mom the other day telling her I'm coming home. And I told her I want to have nice nice food when I come back and I asked her to cook all my favourite dishes. Clap clap clap. Though it's semester break but I have lots to do when I go back to my hometown. I have to get ready all my documents needed by the University. Take passport photo. etc etc. Really can't wait to go Uni. Doing dentistry has always been my dream and now I'm one step nearer to my dream. Will surely miss my family the most and also my friends. Will only see you people when AirAsia got free flight ticket hahaha kidding! I really love reading quotes, especially those very meaningful quotes. Therefore

Tutti Frutti is ♥

Yay! Awesome pictures right? Credits to Chris for editing them. See, my fringe like got highlight haha! Silly conversations at tutti frutti: Chris: Which flavour nice leh? Me: Don't know wor. Chris: Don't want the original flavour. Not nice. Both of us start looking at the flavours available Chris: This one lar. Pointing at tutti frutti flavour. Haha I know it's not funny. But I never say it's funny :P So we picked three flavours. Tutti Frutti, oreo cream and strawberry. Topping time! Me: Ehhh, put something light ar later weight that time very heavy. Chris starts putting chocolate rice on the yogurt and I put cornflakes on the yogurt. Take this take that. We take only cereals cause they are light haha ftw. Chris saw longan. Chris: Ei, I want to eat longan lar. And she took only one and put into the cup haha. Ahhh... and I want this. Start putting smarties into the cup. And this.. gummy bears. At the counter when we're about to pay.. Chris: Wait! still got this..

Ipoh 4days3nights trip

Finally my 'ohm' to blog is back! Exams are over, like finally. Should have updated my blog last week but I was too lazy. So yea I'm lazy to type so more pictures in this post. :) After the last paper, we were so happy. Went to Sunway Pyramid to watch 'The apple of my eyes' the second time. With the same people. Really love that movie a lot. But it was kinda stupid. We laughed before the funny scenes were shown because we already knew what's going to happen. After movie, went to Chiyin's place. Went there to waste time cause we're lazy to go home. At night, after dinner we went to Euphoria. Joseph said the night we went was the last night for Euphoria because they were closing down the next day. How sad. Later, we went to a mamak stall. Sat there chit chat. Took some pictures. The angels hahahaha lol So the next day I went back to Ipoh. Met up with soulmate ku, Evon. Went to Kinta City. Donashi as lunch :) Haha macam yes. Actually donashi doesn't ta