Hi I'm back! Exam not over yet. Four more papers to go and I'm free! But I have no time to rest. By the time I finish my A2 exam, I need to start preparing for the entrance exam. So much things to do! :(

Occasionally I do ask myself, is this what I want, going to Indonesia for studies. I will miss Malaysia so much! I will miss my family, my friends. Well, I had the same feeling before I came to Subang. But it's not the same man... I have my sister here that's why I don't feel so homesick. But I have no relatives in Indonesia. I'll be alone. 5 years. I know I'll come back but the feeling is just.. so annoying and I feel like dying. Le sighhh. I keep telling myself, it's for my future! Come on, you can do it. You'll make new friends there, people there will be fun, just like your college mates. RAWRRRR but my mind is so damn negative! Really need some consultations.

And and and, I also tried imagining after 5 years, how will I look like? What kind of person will I turn into? Will I still be the same old me? Will I be as successful as I imagined? lol. Kayyy I'm thinking way too much and make myself upset. Just go will the flow~ Let God do the navigation.

Okay so my plan after A2 is, shopping! Pasar malam! Prom night!
woots and Sabah trip! One last trip before we go different directions. I hope we can keep in touch till the end. When we're free, jom come out 'yum cha' kay INTImates. :) I surely miss the times we had together. So much fun. I'll miss the jokes we made, every single thing. Yes, so please please keep in touch with each other.

Hui Lin


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