From zero to hero

"Ehhhh what you get ar?"
The question of the day. Haha.
SPM results day for the 94 babies. This shows that time flies so fast. It has been one full year since I got my SPM results. I signed in to Facebook, there were so much to see. Statuses. Some happy some disappointed. How I felt when I first got my result, actually it was quite disappointed I don't know why. Parents, family, others said it was good. But I'm still not happy because I expected more. Lesson learnt, don't put high hope. Eventually it'll lead to disappointment.

I'm now doing Cambridge A levels. SPM results don't mean 'that' much to me anymore seriously. Though it's still quite important or else I can't get the Non-objective cert to go overseas to do dentistry.

I'm not a star in A levels. My AS results suck like I don't know how to say. Well, kinda disappointed but I still can accept the fact. Because I somehow predicted. I knew I didn't work hard. Oh wells no point crying over spilled milk. Work harder for A2. Hopefully I can turn from zero to hero.

Although no one is reading this post but just wanna say, it's over come one! Like what I said, no point crying over spilled milk. And sometimes, SPM don't gurantee anything, like your future.

One day, one fine day when I succeeded, I will convince the younger generations that SPM and A levels won't stop you from succeeding. I will tell them that I wasn't the number one in school and college but yet, I succeeded. When there's a will, there's a way. It depends whether you want to work for it or not. Last but not least, cheer up! Not the end of the world yet. :)

Quote of the day:
Life is trial and error, every relationship is not meant to work, sometimes you’re just meant to learn the lesson.


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