
Showing posts from March, 2011

Getting closer

It's thursday! My goodness. Nothing special about thursday actually. Still like any other normal days. But today I'm quite happy cause I got closer with my classmates Chris and Christine. I really can't stop laughing when talking with them. Yea and I went for lunch with them cause Chiyin is eating with her "beloved". They are really nice seriously. Hope someday we can be good friends. ^^ I'm thinking whether I should go swim or not. ..... ... ...... .... Should I? Alone? ....

Just random

Annyeonghaseyo. It seems that I have improved a lot. I blog almost everyday. No matter it rains or it's a sunny day, I'll still blog. Hope I can continue doing it. ^^ Nothing BIG happened recently so I don't know what to post in my blog. My blog title is "It's all about me" About me, HuiLin. Since nothing happened, I'll just crap. Crap out whatever that I have. Life is so normal recently. school-eat-sleep-school-eat-sleep and it goes on and on. For a single lady like me, I don't even need time to go hangout with boyfriend. Just go school everyday, study, go home and sleep. Once in awile, maybe hit the mall alone then go home sleep again. What you'll get for being single is freedom. Really just one word. FREEDOM. You can go anywhere you like. You don't have to spend time with your beloved. Though 24hours ago I just told my friend that I'm envy of some couples. Anyway, relationship isn't something you can control. When it's not the ri

Tired tired

I-AM-SO-EXHAUSTED My god. It's only the second day of school. Seriously starting from today must sleep freaking early to gain energy. Sight. I see my money flying away everyday. At least 10bucks for lunch everyday. Parking 4bucks a day. My goodness. Gonna bankrupt SOON. One thing that bothers me the most is parking. The machine only take coins. Imagine I have to give 4bucks of coins everyday. Damn it. I think those machines need to be updated. Just found out that Anthony Neely's Sorry that I loved you is so freaking nice. I think I heard in KBOX once but that time didn't really listen to it. So whatever. The chorus sounds like this... Sorry that I hurt you Sorry that I fell through Sorry I was falling in love with you ... ... ... Sorry that I loved you Hmm.. Do we need to say sorry when we loved someone?

First day of school

Annyeonghaseyo nae chingu. As I promised, I will blog about my first day of school. So far so good. But, I was late again because of traffic jam. Ugh.. Luckily first class was thinking skills. And the lecturer is a 25 years old young lady. So pretty. And of course, people in my class were quite nice. They introduced themselves. Yea, so that's how I get to know my new classmates. Why do I call them classmates? Because I saw the same people in every class I went. We didn't officially introduce ourselves till the last class, Physics. The lecturer wants to know everyone so we took turns to introduce ourselves. Tell us where you're from, hobbies, ambition, do you like physics etc. Anyway not too bad. There were two guys sitting opposite of me and Chiyin. We chatted for awile before the lecturer starts talking. So one of the guy ask where I stay in KL. I told him Puchong and he asked me why I stay in Puchong. Then his friend laughed because he asked such awkward question why I st

Boring post

My previous post was published on Friday. And I said school's starting on Monday. Today is Sunday. I think my nightmares are coming soon. I'm not expecting to see any cute guys there seriously. LOL But if they appear in front of me, okay then. I'LL SEE. LOL I hope everything is alright tomorrow. Further updates will be published on Monday. At night most probably if I'm not tired. Stay tuned! Oh by the way, I'm cooking tonight. LOL

Orientation Day at Inti

What an exhausting day. Went for orientation in inti. The orientation starts at 9am. I left home around 8am and yet I was late. It took me 45mins to reach there. Today my luck not very good, no parking. Those people really insane. I thought I'm early but there're more people earlier than me. End up going around to find parking that's why I was late. Luckily it's just orientation. I parked my car don't know how many streets away. I took 10mins to WALK to the campus. Can you imagine how far away I parked my car? Anyway it's over. Next time going to leave home TWO hours before classes start. Damn. My classes start at 8am everyday. Which means I need to leave home at 6am. Damn. I need to punch someone now.

I walk and walk and walk

Phew~ Got my results at last. I cried and i laughed. I really don't know what I want. Anyway, it's over right. Another journey is ahead of me. College classes starting next monday. Maybe this is what people said, 'The Next Stage In Life' My parents, my siblings all went throught this stage. So now is my turn. God, please give strength so that I can go through this stage. Today come KL alone. Sat Plusliner. Reach KL sentral. Walked THOUSAND miles to find monorail station. While walking a guy approached me and ask if I'm chinese. Damn. He said I looks like foreigner. Another damn. Then he gave me a card ask me open. Opened, TA-DA It says I won some kind of gifts. Don't know what got car, got this got that. Then they start telling me bullshits and ask me don't worry cause they're not conman. I just told them I need to go and gave him back the card and run. I might look innocent and honest but in reality I'm not. Take care of yourself friends. ^^

Hang out before nightmares come

Tomorrow gonna take result. T.T Went to JJ just now. Laughing non-stop with Kah Sin, Evon and Jia An. Bought rose tea from Kah Sin's stall. Bought this... Sorry not really in the mood to blog. Bye.

Another short post

Whee~ Back to Ipoh feels so good. I think tonight I'm going to sleep soundly. Miss my bed so much. I feel very guilty. I left WeiJun's camera in KL Sob. WeiJun, tomorrow tea is on me. Thousands of sorry. Result day is coming. Aww. I hope I have the same kind of feeling like other people. I should be nervous, shouldn't I? I'm so calm now. Maybe I already knew my results are bad so I don't put in any hope. T.T I don't want to see. I don't want to know. Kill me. babeh.

Back to last night

I will go crazy at any time. I want to rewind. I want to rewind back to yesterday. I want to see Baby Kyu more. I should have enjoyed. T.T For your info I don't really feel happy during the concert. I hope I know someone who looks like him. Sob. God, please let me find a guy who looks like Super Junior's Cho Kyu Hyun. I'm telling God specifically so he wouldn't mix up other Kyu Hyun with my Kyu Hyun ^^ I promise if you let me find him one day, I will surely appreciate the chance. I will court him. LOL Thank you. I love you God.

SS3 is over

Annyeonghaseyo. Super show 3 Malaysia just ended not long ago. ELFs planned many projects for this concert but it seems all are failures. Sorry if I offended any party. But those who attended the concert should know what happened. The boys really drove everyone crazy till ELFs forgotten what should they do when certain songs are sang. Including myself. I am very tired now when I'm typing this post. No. I can't wait till tomorrow. Because I think when I wake up tomorrow I'll definitely forget the feelings. Since now I still remember, better post it first. The door of Stadium Putra was supposed to open at 4 o'clock but we went there at 9 o'clock in the morning. Sat there waited for hours I believe your maths is good enough I really don't understand. It's already known that the door is opening at 4pm but those people started standing up like around 2.45pm. Made us stand for an hour plus. Stand nevermind but we were like sandwiches! Everyone stuck together and

Walking alone in the mall

It's wednesday. Super show is this saturday. *screams* It's so exciting. Went to IOI mall just now. Walked alone. Watched movie alone. Then came home. When I was walking I saw a girl point at me and mumble something to her friends. Goodness. I really very 'beh song'. Maybe she's not talking bad bout me or whatever. But still, pointing at people is so impolite. It's not illegal to point at people but c'mon, be smarter. Don't let people saw you pointing at them! I point also okay. But I make sure that person doesn't sees me doing that. I'm wasting time crapping. So, bye.

I was lost

Annyeonghaseyo First time driving alone in KL and I got lost. LOL Luckily I'm quite smart and my car has a full tank of petrol. LOL I told myself not to panic. Breathe I'm so glad I figured out the way home without my sis's help. Thank you, God. ^^

A miserable day

I told myself I shouldn't cry. But I cried in the end. Mommy cried with me as well. T.T Today Inti College called and say my class gonna postpone. WTF After concert gonna go back to Ipoh. Get spm result and come back KL again. Result. Sight. Can they just keep for me. It's okay if I don't take it. I know it's really bad. Wish me luck babes.

Goodbye Ipoh

Going to KL tomorrow. I feel excited but at the same time feel sad too. Imagine life without mom's food. Sight. Hopefully I will be happy there. Miss Chiyin said she might go Inti as well. *scream* I'm so happy. She's taking a-levels (science) as well. Whee~ Gonna be classmate again ^^

I spent money again

Annyeonghaseyo Went to guardian today. Bought eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow. Money gone, just like that. But I don't always buy cosmetics. Maybe I should feel better if I think this way. There's nothing much to do today. So took some pictures today. Tell me what you think okay? Actually I like this one the most. LOL. I know I look awkward. Ugh...nevermind..

Warning from mother earth

Mother earth is again giving us signal that the earth is at danger. 8.9 amplitude of earthquake plus tsunami. Fellow residents of the earth, have u received the signal from mother earth? Let's start loving the earth starting from this moment. So that our future generation will have better lives. 19th of March is a very important date in my schedule. Super Show 3! But... at the same day, it was said that something extraodinary will happen as well. The moon will be very close to the earth on that day. Hopefully nothing will happen on that day. God bless...

I'm updating my bloggie

Annyeonghaseyo I had a torturing night yesterday. Sight. I had insomnia. I've been thinking too much lately. Thinking too much till I can't fall asleep. Just keep thinking and thinking and thinking. My mind should be very free at this period. No exam. No boyfriend. Maybe I've been thinking too much about my new school. New surrounding. New friends. Sight. I'm afraid to be a loner when I go college. I wonder why some can leave their home so freely. Aren't they homesick? Don't they miss their family? I dreamt just now when I was taking my sweet nap. I dreamt of Jee. LOL Hey Jee are you reading? ^^ In my dream, Jee called me and ask me go 'yum cha' at starbucks. The funny thing is that in my dream, I don't know where's starbucks. LOL Something even more funny, Jee said starbucks is in Greentown! LOL x2 I'm still wondering since when Greentown got starbucks. ^^ I'm so going to write this now. I want to thank my sis soooo much!!! Thank her f

Say hello to my new blog

Annyeonghaseyo nae chingu. I'm starting new blog again. I deleted the old blog and start a new one. I guess my friends are saying, "Hui Lin, what the hell are you playing?" LOL Just for fun. Out of sudden feel like blogging again. Since I'm not going to meet my friends everyday like we used to be, I think blog is a place where you can know what your friends are doing, if they update frequently. LOL I'll visit my friends' blogs once in awile. I wonder if they'll do the same to me. Chingu ah, link me,will you? ^^ Hui Lin is up to nothing recently. She's jobless. She stays at home everyday. She online everyday. She's waiting for school to start. The most important, SHE'S WAITING FOR HER BELOVED SJ TO COME! LOL Let's start counting down... 9 more days to Super Show 3