Happiness- Time graph

Hello readers! I'm back again. Today's post should be quite interesting. Did some drawing this morning. Tada! Nope it's not a sine graph. See carefully. It's a 'Happiness against Time' graph. Yeap, my creation. Why do I have such idea that a happiness graph should look this way? Well, just keep scrolling down....

Oh by the way sorry for the low quality picture. Thousands of apology.

Recently, people around me aren't very happy. Including myself, I'm not that happy but still quite happy haha. So, I personally believe that happiness has a maximum point and also a minimum point. (Marked with X in the graph). When you are at the maximum point, oh yes you are very happy because everything around you goes the way you liked. Example, you get really good grades in your exam, your relationship with your partner is super good that everyone around you envies the both of you, money falling from the sky etc etc etc and the list can go very long. But, in the world we're living, nothing lasts forever. In fairy tale, the ending always go like "And the prince and the princess live happily ever after." The End. I totally disagree with this statement. For me, there's no such thing as HAPPILY EVER AFTER. I'm not trying to say that oh you got married and you'll divorce very soon cause there's no such thing as happily ever after. No! I don't mean that way. Even married couples have conflicts. As long as they trust each other, I believe they can overcome any conflict. Of course, they have to tolerate which each other as well.

As you can see, the maximum point is also the turning point. This is when everything starts going the opposite way. You see, in life we can't pause at the happiest moments and fast forward the sad moments. Constant speed, people. And so down goes your happiness level till the minimum point which is a negative value. SO SAD. SUPER SAD. VERY SAD. EXTREMELY SAD. No big deal. Saw the turning point? You turned and happiness level starts raising again! Reach the max point again, come down again. And the graph goes on and on throughout your life.

So, enjoy your life to the fullest when you reached the maximum point. Don't be upset when you reached the minimum point. It's not the end of the world! It's part of our life. Always remember there is a turning point when you feel that there's no reason for you to live on this earth anymore. Things get worse before it gets better. :)

Once again this post is dedicated to all my friends. Have a nice day!


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