Say NO to stress

Hello readers! I'm taking a break now after hours of revision. Lol a
ctually only one hour. Gonna sit for statistics paper on Monday. My brain is full of numbers now. Histogram, normal distribution, probability, binomial distribution, expectation, variance, ^&**&^%$#@#$ etc etc etc. Nervous to the max now! Two weeks ago, I even had insomnia due to stress. It was terrible. Imagine when I can finally sleep at 0600 and the alarm rang at 0
615. Turn off the alarm and continue sleeping. I ended up skipping school on that day.

How to reduce stress? I have no idea. But, I know stress is not good. Lol who doesn't know that?

See the problems that are caused by stress? You want a healthy lifestyle, a longer life span. So don't stress out yourself! And and and, stress also causes breakouts.
Trust me, breakouts are not fun at all. I've been through this stage. I can't say that I've completely recovered but after I went to the skin specialist, my face is now clearer than last time. Breakouts don't heal overnight so don't take it as a small matter. My advice, if you see that there are getting more pimples on your face, get medical treatment fast! Don't wait till the last minute cause it will be too late. You don't want to see holes on your face right? Even light scars take time to be completely invisible. Lucky ones, maybe 3 months later you don't see the spot anymore. But there are some scars that stay on your face for more than 3 months, maybe a year! I'm not joking. So take good care of your face because your face is very important.

Oh by the way, talking about breakouts. Even if you wash your face thrice a day, that doesn't mean you won't break out. Breakouts might be due to many factors and stress is one of them. And hormone imbalance also contributes to breakouts. If you ever have breakouts, NEVER EVER TRY TO FIX YOURSELF. Because you may make it worst. Like what I've said earlier, get medical treatment. Let the professionals help you. I totally understand the feeling of people having breakouts because I'm one of them too. You'll feel so ashamed and you will keep hiding your face from the world. I truly understand your feeling. Don't worry, breakouts can really be cured. Well that's all for today. Have a nice day to you. :)

Oh yea I wanna share a song with you guys. One of my favourite song.


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