
Hi there! Blog wasn't up to date. So sorry. Went back to my hometown last week so I wasn't able to update any statuses on facebook and also my blog. Internet connection at my home suck like %^&*(*&^%. Oh wells, glad that I came back here, my sis's place. Internet connection pretty like mad. Yes Life, you are awesome though sometimes I'm quite pissed that I can't watch videos on youtube.

Next week I have a so-called 5days break. Should I go back Ipoh??????? :( I don't feel like going back because I just had a one full week break and I spent the whole week in Ipoh. Those 2-3 hours of travelling is a pain in ass. How lar? :(

Mock exam starting next week. Don't feel like talking about it. I'll just do it no matter what. Must score in Bio because that's the only subject I have some confident in.

Like this picture so much. Macam yes right haha. :)


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