Happy Meal :)

Happy Thursday! Sat for Physics paper this morning. Wasn't that bad. At least I tried and I finished the whole paper. :)

Tomorrow's paper. Aahh. Used to be my favourite subject. Not trying to boast but back in high school, I always get 90% and above for my Maths paper. No joke. There was once, I got 99%. Lost one mark due to careless mistake. Anyway, still very good right? You thought easy to get 99%? Though it was kinda easy for me lol.

I did not so well in maths for mock. Was very disappointed with myself. Everyone around me got distinction. I only got a credit for maths. :( I know I should work harder. Of all the subjects, maths is the one that I must not ever fail. Cause daddy said maths very important. Haha.

I posted on Facebook that I wanted to buy happy meal from Mcd so I can get a free toy. And I really bought a happy meal. No joke. Haha.

Free toy is Ronold!! FYI the head can shake one

Lol I asked Ronold to pose and he posed. Tada Ronold and Happy meal. Wtf? Hahahaha

Ronold and I lol. Okay retarded me. I know it's ugly but who cares?

Actually I think Happy meal is quite awesome. Not because of the toy, but the portion is just nice, for me lar. Cause I'm a small eater lmao.

Who says you cannot eat happy meal when you're sad? You're sad so you go eat happy meal and you get a small toy to cheer yourself up. I think the more unhappy you are, the more you should eat happy meal. Feeling HAPPY after the MEAL. Yay! (^^)V


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