How to make bitter gourd soup

My very own way of making bitter gourd soup. To make it you will need

1. Bitter gourd
2. Chicken breast meat
3. An egg
4. Some garlic
5. Fish balls
6. Some oil
7. Chicken stock
8. Some salt

I didn't put the amount needed because it really depends on you. Some like more bitter gourd, some like more chicken etc

First step: Start boiling some water in a pot Amount is optional. Depends how much soup you want to make

Second step: Chop the garlic, cut the bitter gourd Size again is optional. I sliced the bitter gourd anyway lol, cut the chicken breast meat Not too small not too big. Put aside all these ingredients.

Third step: Heat a frying pan, put in some oil and then put in the chopped garlic. Fry the garlic till it turns golden brown. Then onto the same pan, crack an egg. Fry the egg till it's completely cooked You can even break the egg yolk while frying. Lol sound so wrong

Fourth step: Put the fried garlic and egg into the pot. The water should be boiling by now. Put in the chicken stock.

Fifth step: Put in the chicken meat, bitter gourd and fish ball into the water. Let it boil for a couple of minutes.

Sixth step: Add some salt to taste Amount depends on individual

And ta-da! Your soup is ready to be served.

Bitter gourd also known as bitter melon is good for pre- diabetes patients and those who are suffering from ulcer disease. Take a glass of bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach every morning can help to relieve constipation, cleanse blood and heal ulcers.


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