
Showing posts from 2012

Update #5

Can I get to know you better? I want to know so much about you. I want to know what kind of person you are. What kind of person are you? Good or bad? I don't know.... I feel so defeated. Why do I become so weak when it comes to this kind of matter? Why do I become so not wise? Just for this time Huilin.. Just this time, be wiser. Think what is more important to you. Think about your priority. Don't be so easily defeated. You can do better than this. Seriously I'm tired of guessing this and that. I should let go this burden,right? I shouldn't let this ruin any of my lovely days. After all, I'm not the one taking control of everything. God, Please guide me and bring me to a place that I'm supposed to be at. Thank you...

Update #4

It is easy to ask other people to tryyyyyyy but so hard for ourselves to do it. Human nature I guess. Is it really that hard to fall for person? I don't know. But I think if it's the right person, yea you fall so fast, so hard. They said when the person you love, loves you in return, that's the best thing that can happen in life. Very true indeed. Cause this thing is like a lottery you know. You thought so easy to kena lottery meh, right? I questioned myself so many times. Am I doing the right thing. Friends said I'm not. They say I should retreat before anything happens. Quite true also. I seriously got no other intentions. I just wanna help. Trying my luck to find out the problem and fix it. But the problem is, I'm not the person who is facing the problem. So I shouldn't be so busybody also, right? Yea I think I should 'siam' before things get worst. Conflicts between friends start with misunderstandings and I never want that to happen in my life. So

Ideal guy, criteria #1 SMART

Seriously what I think is, a guy MUST be smart. Smart not as in look smart only. Smart as in clever, intelligent, high EQ and IQ etc.. What is the point of looking smart outside but inside is grass, right?? Kayyy I'm mean I'm mean. Guys, say whatever you wanna say. Girls are all like that. We want smart guy, handsome guy, rich guy bla bla shit. But let me tell you now, rich or handsome, ugly or poor, INTELLIGENCE is still the most important. Even though this wouldn't sound nice but I still wanna say not so smart guys memang will potong markah one no matter how. When I say smart, I don't mean like those erm nerds. Every paper 100%. Nahhhhh. Smart as in smart. Smart can be in many ways. That's why people always say each and everyone has their own talent. And when you're smart, you don't go around telling people you're smart. Outsiders will automatically feel it whether you're smart or not. lol what im talking. So yea, my conclusion is, people will know

Update #3

"Falling so hard, so fast this time." Huilin you really damn stupid lar. Don't know how to learn from mistakes. I don't know how to say but I gets upset so easily because of you. Just a picture can ruin my day. Just a text message can make me so emotional. Why you no like other guys? So predictable. I don't know what you're thinking but somehow I find that you're so different from other guys. Is it good that you're different? I am having a conflict of emotions. I don't know what I want. I can't sit still. I must voice out my feelings here. All I can ask is, don't give me false hope. Please and thank you.

Update #2

Mid term exam in 2 days time. Oh lord. So much to cover but so little time. No matter how consistent I am, it's still impossible to finish. That is why they say, medic student never get more than 5 hours of sleep. But I'm sleeping more than that everyday. Which means I'm totally H-O-P-E-L-E-S-S. Whatever lar. I'm going to be one of the 'black horse' lol lol lol. I am very grateful that it is MCQ. Which means I can 'tikam'. why did i use tikam? tsk hahaha. I saw my neighbour cried, which increased my guiltiness. Oh lord, what am I doing? Why I'm not worried like my friends. I mean, I should be worried right? Alright whatever it is, I promised myself and everyone that I'll finish in 5 years. I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!! Sometimes I am really annoyed by those people who send me loads of link and ask me to click just so they can get money. I know it's just clicking. This shows how materealistic people can be. When they need your help, they'll be lik

Update #1

My dear friends! Sorry for not updating you guys. I know it has been long. I've been here for one month plus. So many things happened and I obviously can't mention every single thing. But one thing I must let you all know, I won't be as free as last time. So much to catch up and I can no longer procrastinate. New friends, new environment. Conflicts are unavoidable. I learn to be a more tolerable and forgiving person. In short, become more 'cincai' lar. Don't count so much. Do my own work. Help if someone needs help. Most important, be happy and don't let anything spoil my mood. I still practice 'the secret', no joke. lol. New place, obviously will check out the guys here right. After all I'm a normal girl too. I have my desperate moments too lol joking. Spotted one yang berpotensi but it seems that I'm tepuk tangan sebelah-ing. Sorry for my broken languages. Keep getting false hopes. Very confused too. I can't read guy's mind so I don

Bandung says Hi!

Hello there I'm finally here in Bandung. Cried like a baby before I leave. I know I cant control because, who wants to leave home seriously? Everyone wants to stay near to their parents and family. I guess I'm quickly adapting to the new surrounding. Met new people. Some I've met during the entrance exam. Aaahhh. People said time flies. How soon? How soon can I go back to my mom? Anyway the surrounding is not too bad. Now I just hope my class will start soon so I'll be busy. Time flies the fastest when we're busy haha. Just before I log out, MOM & DAD I MISS YOU! GOR GOR, JIE JIE I MISS YOU ALL! Last but not least, ANSON, JOSHUA & FELIX, I MISS YOU GUYS TOO!

I will miss all of you!

Oh wells this is most probably the last post before I leave. 2 more days ONLY. Just 2 more days to be spent with my family. Alright I know I shouldn't sound like I'm not coming home lol. I will come home soon! Most probably few months later :) In fact I should be happy because I can finally study what I've been dreaming of all this while. I should be happy that Bandung is just one hour flight from M'sia. I should be happy because Bandung is a shopping haven and the weather there is like freaking awesome. I have so much to be happy about. My parents will be so proud of me, so there's nothing to be sad about. I'll be strong I promise! Will miss my parents, my family and friends and my country too. I'll be back soon! See you guys during CNY. It's just months away from now. :) Will blog more about my new study place and also new friends. So, stay tuned! Lots of love.. *wink* everything's gonna be alright. will miss all of you, xoxo.

Nails #1

If you ask me what's my hobby, I'll say nail painting! Hehe. My friend asked me to paint her nails to match her dinner dress so I did the purple one for her. What you think? :)
Lovely things make me happy, ALWAYS. Happy happy :)

One step closer~

Yes I'm one step closer to result day! Pray pray pray! Pray for the best! And I know I'll be fine :3 Best of luck to all my classmates! We are all warriors! We fought like mad just few weeks before the exam. Hard work pays off, always :3 And I promised myself, on 13th I will cry. I will cry for happiness, just like when I got my PMR results. Haha! Yes jiayou jiayou! :3


Do you know one of my favorite shop is Guardian? Haha. I can spend so much time there because I like to look at the cosmetics and also beauty products. Recently I feel that my skin is super dry because when I touch my face I can feel there's a layer of dead skin. Really can't stand it. Even moisturizer alone is not enough so I went to buy some mask. Yes! It feels so good after hydration. Now I touch my face, it's as if the dead skin layer is gone. Awesome awesome. I tell myself I must love my skin more from now on. My face is my biggest asset haha.

New design :)

I really love gradient nails recently. Hoho. Awesome. And it's so easy to do! Just use a sponge dab dab dab. And the konads are amazing. I shall buy more design plates. :)
Happy Birthday my dear! Love you love you love you always. I wish for the best in your life. Healthy always. BFF!

Loving it!

Loving the new toy hohoho. Gradient nails with flowers made by konads. Love it love it! :D

New toy!

Finally le new toy arrived! Hoho konads! First attempt, not too bad. Yes I'm happy I'm happy!

Polka dotssss~

My current nails. Did it all by myself. White base with red polka dots. As you can see I only dotted one side of my nails because I tried dotting the whole nail and it looks like measles lol. I think this one looks less complicated. My index finger and pinky, I did French manicure.

Where rainbow ends

Yay! The reading mood is back again. Before this, don't really have time to read cause A-level wasn't easy. I only can read textbooks but not other books. How pathetic. I'm not a fast reader. I read very slowly, absorbing every word in every sentence. Haha. Weirdo me. That's why it takes me more than a week to actually finish a book. I read every night before I sleep. And I think it's good to read everyday. Reading is so relaxing I can say. The book I'm currently reading is this.. Cecilia Aherns never fails to make her readers impressed. Yes, I like her books. All her novels are about love. Very nice to read. Not hard to understand. You see, her novels are really quite suitable for young adults. Oh it's raining! So nice to sleep now teehee. Till the next time! BB


Finally I'm blogging again, after so long. Life is good. Spent my every single day like a princess. Sleep, eat, shop, hang out bla bla bla. And I'm not planning to get a part time job because firstly, I think no one wants to hire me since I cannot work for a long time. Secondly, I want to spent more time doing nothing. Haha what the crap, I know. The course I've chosen is a 5years course. Frankly speaking, I don't think I will have time to procrastinate anymore during that 5 years course. I promised myself, I must be committed. There's no turning back after I've started. So, I shall enjoy my life first. Plenty of time for me to work like a bull next time. ;) There's nothing to be worried about now besides my A-level results. I know I shouldn't worry because it's so negative. So I shall just pray every single day lar! haha. Let God do the rest.

Confession of someone who had break out

If my break out was one of the reason you left, are you regretting now? Kayyy I'm mean. But there's a saying, if you can't be with someone when they're at their worst time, you don't deserve to be with them when they're at their best time. I'm so so so glad that I finally recovered and I thank God for giving such a lovely gift. For those people out there, stop pointing at people with break outs and ask them what happened. PLEASE. If only they know what's wrong with their skin, they won't even suffer from break outs. And, c'mon they don't ask for it. You thought they want to have pimples all over their face? Firstly, pimples are ugly, undoubtedly. Secondly, they're painful too. So tell me, who will ask for break outs? The most annoying are the ones, who have FLAWLESS skin, and keep complaining when they have one so-called pimple, tiny like shit popped up in somewhere that's not even obvious. In short, people won't even notice if
Hi I'm back! Exam not over yet. Four more papers to go and I'm free! But I have no time to rest. By the time I finish my A2 exam, I need to start preparing for the entrance exam. So much things to do! :( Occasionally I do ask myself, is this what I want, going to Indonesia for studies. I will miss Malaysia so much! I will miss my family, my friends. Well, I had the same feeling before I came to Subang. But it's not the same man... I have my sister here that's why I don't feel so homesick. But I have no relatives in Indonesia. I'll be alone. 5 years. I know I'll come back but the feeling is just.. so annoying and I feel like dying. Le sighhh. I keep telling myself, it's for my future! Come on, you can do it. You'll make new friends there, people there will be fun, just like your college mates. RAWRRRR but my mind is so damn negative! Really need some consultations. And and and, I also tried imagining after 5 years, how will I look like? What kind of p
If it's meant to happen, nothing can stop it from happening right? So I should just... let it be. At the same time, I'm praying that my assumptions are wrong. If my assumptions happen to be so freaking true, I will drop out from my studies and be some kind of predictor and earn big bucks.

A soldier

I'm so not productive everyday. How larrrrrrr??????? :( A2 is coming very very soon!!! HuiLin please be more hardworking. You screwed AS. You ain't not going to screw A2 as well!!! STOP SLACKING. Anyone knows any food that can so-called 'open' the brain? Cause I know my brain is still close ALL THE TIME. Unable to think logically, no common sense, NO MEMORY. How larrrr???? Any super brain food? :( I need more that 24 hours a day. Maybe 48 hours a day? :( I know it's pointless to ask for more time because even if I have 48 hours a day, I will still feel it's not enough. So, my time management sucks! Which means I can't be a leader. I can only be a soldier next time. Let people lead me. Gahhhhh... Your dad is gonna be so disappointed, Huilin. He want you to be the leader like him, not a soldier. So, do me a favour Huilin, don't disappoint him. Pretty please....sighhhhh


Why do you even ask? Just do whatever you like. Cause even when I suggest you don't even consider my suggestion. Maybe you find my suggestion lame like %^(*&^%$%^. So next time, don't ask. Seriously, anything related to you pissed me off now. Your every move annoys me to the max.

All The Way North

Before I start, I would like to request my readers to play the song 一路向北 by Jay Chou while reading. Hahaha. Or play after reading. Hmmm how should I start? I've got nothing better to do so I went to read all my friends blog. Everyone is so busy with their studies. Read one, she broke up with her boyfriend recently. I guess it's quite recent, I don't know. Lol. Apparently, she's doing fine without the boyfriend. So I guess it's not that sad after all. The next blog I read is definitely a happy one. :) She and her boyfriend are doing well. They get to know each other better now, which is a good thing. Really feel so happy for her. If I have a thousands of wish, I'll definitely give one to her. I'll wish that she'll be happy with him till the end of time. That's what a friend can do right? ;) My very very best friend, she was not so happy the other day. She had some conflict with her boyfriend. I hope they're fine now. We can't expect clear skie

Confession of a POOR girl -__-

Perhaps I turned over a new leaf. Have been staying in the library till 6 o'clock everyday. Sometimes even later. Though not 100% doing my revision, but at least I did right? Better than doing nothing at home. Hmm. I'm exhausted. Everyday reach home around 7 something. Bath, online then go sleep. I don't know if I should continue doing the same thing- stay in library till 6 then come home that time already half dead OR come home right after college, nap then study. But I've got no self discipline. If I'm at home I won't study. I will keep wasting time. At least in the library, I can force myself to study cause there's nothing else to do besides studying. Rawrrrr but I don't like coming home everyday exhausted like mad. I know it's only a month. One more month before the real exam comes. After seeing my mock exam results, I should put in more effort than last time. So, I'll just study in the library everyday lar! Sighhh. Now I still can slack a t


Alright, one short update before I start studying like a mad dog. :) Minutes ago I was looking at my diary. It's a new diary anyway. Only started writing when I came to Puchong. I have an old one in Ipoh. Flipping through the pages I realised 90% of what I wrote is about him. Yea, him. Friends of mine should know who I mean. Aaahhhhh seriously it's so long ago.I've been a silly girl. Very silly. I wasted so much time. I screwed my AS paper. I made myself unhappy for such a long time. Glad that it finally stopped. Sometimes in life, there's no point holding on to something so tightly. Let go. You might even find your new-self. Life is too short to wake up regrets. That's why we must be as happy as possible every single day! I've moved on. Hope you know. :)

Stress level maximum now!

I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO DIE. 2 days to trial! Someone please slap me. Why I don't work harder before this. Now left 2 days only start doing revision. Hui Lin you are a true asshole. SO STRESSED UP. CHEMISTRY die MATHS die BIOLOGY can die also I am master of nothing. I don't get why some people can get 100% in exam. Those aren't humans right? -______-


Hi there! Blog wasn't up to date. So sorry. Went back to my hometown last week so I wasn't able to update any statuses on facebook and also my blog. Internet connection at my home suck like %^&*(*&^%. Oh wells, glad that I came back here, my sis's place. Internet connection pretty like mad. Yes Life, you are awesome though sometimes I'm quite pissed that I can't watch videos on youtube. Next week I have a so-called 5days break. Should I go back Ipoh??????? :( I don't feel like going back because I just had a one full week break and I spent the whole week in Ipoh. Those 2-3 hours of travelling is a pain in ass. How lar? :( Mock exam starting next week. Don't feel like talking about it. I'll just do it no matter what. Must score in Bio because that's the only subject I have some confident in. Like this picture so much. Macam yes right haha. :)


The last time I went back to Ipoh, mom said I gained weight. NOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Because of this, I made up my mind to go on diet for 14days, hoping that it'll make a difference. I must not let her say that I gained weight again. NOOOOOOO. I was quite determined. I ate only cereal with milk for breakfast and dinner. Lunch, eat as usual. Maybe it was just an illusion, I felt that I'm a lil bit thinner than before I started the diet plan. Oh wells, maybe eating lesser really works. Today it's only the 8th day. Maybe I shall continue after the break because I can't resist my mom's food! It's soooo good and I miss her cooking so so much. Some friend said the way I'm dieting is not right. I know I know. Cereal and milk don't provide enough nutrients and fiber. But it's just 14day! By the time I'm done with this plan, my stomach should be smaller than before lol. Which means I only need to eat a little bit of food and I'll be full. Sounds so awesome

From zero to hero

"Ehhhh what you get ar?" The question of the day. Haha. SPM results day for the 94 babies. This shows that time flies so fast. It has been one full year since I got my SPM results. I signed in to Facebook, there were so much to see. Statuses. Some happy some disappointed. How I felt when I first got my result, actually it was quite disappointed I don't know why. Parents, family, others said it was good. But I'm still not happy because I expected more. Lesson learnt, don't put high hope. Eventually it'll lead to disappointment. I'm now doing Cambridge A levels. SPM results don't mean 'that' much to me anymore seriously. Though it's still quite important or else I can't get the Non-objective cert to go overseas to do dentistry. I'm not a star in A levels. My AS results suck like I don't know how to say. Well, kinda disappointed but I still can accept the fact. Because I somehow predicted. I knew I didn't work hard. Oh wells no

Restricting the options

Girls, we shouldn't waste our time waiting for one particular person. Move on and see further. You'll never know if something better is coming to you. We need to meet more people before we decide what we really need and what is the best for us. Many young ladies out there, they got married at very young age. Why are you all restricting the options???? I know you'll say "He's more than perfect." Got money got car got what so ever. You'll never know if you can meet someone who has triple of his money, car and what so ever. So, the main point is don't restrict the options. Meet more people, know better about the society. Quote of the day: Life is to short to be anything but happy. So take what you have and make the best of it.

The awkward moment

Today's awkward moments #1 When sitting beside a not so close friend and I suddenly did something very embarrassing . Details shall not be reviewed. #2 Went to a shop to order a drink. While waiting, the worker asked me something and I was so blur and I asked him to repeat what he said. And I think he thought he is too cute that's why I was shocked but actually it's not like that. I was thinking at that time. #3 Today, both my close friend in college skipped class. Le me afraid alone and sit with other friends who are smartasses. The awkward silence because we usually don't talk a lot. And.. I was so damn quiet lol. #4 Le awkward moment when I went to buy economy rice and all the dishes I picked was vege, no meat. The man thought I'm vegetarian when I'm actually not. Just feel that it's gonna be very embarrassing if I take so many different dishes. People might think I'm a dinosaur. Not good not good. * FYI awkward moment doesn't mean I'm not hap


Heard on Red FM, POSITIVITY DAY. Lol macam yes. Don't let failure brings you down. Work harder each and everyday. Promise yourself that today you'll work harder than yesterday and tomorrow, you'll work harder than today. DON'T GIVE UP! If you think you're so worthless just because you failed in something, most probably studies. Let me assure you, you'll never reach the highest unless you failed once. So, think positive. Eat well sleep well. God will always be by your side.

A post by a lifeless person

I've got nothing to complain, nothing to be extremely happy about. I'm healthy. Ate well, slept well. No problem with friends and family. Study like a student, as usual lol. Go college as usual. Oh wells, my recent life is quite good I can say. That's why I have nothing to blog about. Somehow, just wanna do some typing. That's all. Yea right right I'm super lifeless I know. Therefore, I shall not stop my lifeless life! Sound so stupid though lol. Aite, let pray that tomorrow will be a better day. Cheers!


These are the songs I listened the most recently. Drive by by Train Holes inside by Joe Brook I won't give up by Jason Mraz Stronger by Kelly Clarkson Blue by Bigbang Unwell by Matchbox 20 Super old song, I know Just wanna share. No other intentions.
I'm not a perfect person. I need to learn what I've got, what I'm not and who I am. I seriously need to put aside all my stupid assumptions and my fears, my anxiety. I worried too much. Seriously too much. Sometimes I even hate myself. Someone please convince me everything is gonna be alright. Someone again, please convince me, what belongs to me will eventually come back to me no matter how. I really feel like crying now. God, please take my fear away. Again, I hope what I sensed is not true. I know I have no ability to control. But still, please.....

Dress to impress

So pretty, isn't it? I wish I have one too. Saw a girl wearing this heels the other day, in college. Like fashion show only. Maybe I'm not used to seeing people wear till so nice go college. Go college study only what, right???? Aiyoyo. Imagine students in Taylor's Lakeside. But, one thing that girl didn't realised is that she attracted so much attention. Oh well, maybe she knew but she surely didn't know people were laughing at her. No I'm not that mean. I didn't laugh. At that moment I somehow pitied her. She wanted to impress others but end up making fun of her ownself. NO she didn't fell down. Lol. Aish I don't know how to say but if you were there to witness, you'll understand. Hahaha. Alright end of this post.

My past

I was thinking about my childhood. I think I was bullied by someone when I was in primary school. No, it didn't haunt me. I'm still a happy kid after all hmmm. At that time I didn't realise that her action was consider a bully. Consider emotional abuse I guess, not really physical. Hmm. And I still remember that person very well. So, she bullied me when we were in Std One. 7 years old. Oh well I guess the bully didn't last that long. I remembered Std two that time it has stopped. Then I don't know why when we were about 10 or 11 years old like that, we became close friend. And then after that not close anymore. Kids memang kids. They don't remember what people did to them. Recently only I start recalling and realise it was an abuse! I guess no point bringing up the past now. I believe in Karma. Haha. No point thinking about revenge. She seems to be leading an awesome life now. PEACE ON YOU. Thank you.


No doubt, I'm getting stronger each and everyday. But sometimes, I do get tired. When tears run down my cheeks unconsciously , I know I've reached a point where I'm tired of being strong and I just want to be a little kid, cry as much as I like. I never blame, I never hate. I know I must learn from life. Get a tissue, wipe my tears and start being strong again.

Post Valentine's Day

Once again, the i-want-to-delete-my-blog feeling is back. Just feel that keeping a dead blog is so pointless cause I seriously have no time to blog. And of course, I'm not a very good blogger. The way I blog is not impressive at all. Some will say, blog to release your anger or what so ever. In short, keep the blog macam diary lar. I prefer writing my diary than typing :/ Oh wells, most probably I will not deactivate this blog. Dead blog ma dead blog lor. I don't think anyone bothers. IELTS result releasing in 2days time. Fuhhh... nervous like mad. I keep praying 'at least 6.0 at least 6.0'. To be frank, I'm not a greedy person. For me, 'cukup makan' is good enough. Of course, if can get better lagi best lor hahahahaha. Still a greedy person in the end. Anyways, hopefully it won't be so bad. Most important it fulfills the University's minimum requirement. I want to improve my English. So badly. I want to get rid of all the broken English. Not that I

Purple purple!

Alright. I'm not a big fan of purple. Evon is. Lol. I like green but I can't imagine myself with green hair haha. So I dyed my hair purple last Sunday. I don't know why I want to dye my hair purple, so badly. Lol. The feeling just come, so suddenly. The outcome is good. Most important I like it very much. At least purple is less common compared to brown right? I can bet that 7 out of 10 girls have brown hair lol. I know my hair colour is not very obvious but can see a lil bit right. Rawrrr I look fat in the pictures : ( Hopefully my dad won't screw me for dyeing my hair purple lol. I keep asking my friends, "Do I look lala?". Obviously they said no because they don't want to hurt my feelings, I know. Haha. I am a very shy and conservative girl a.k.a kolot. Dyeing my hair purple is considered a challenge for me. I don't know since when I became so daring but anyway, not a bad thing though. Must learn to be a risk-taker like my dad. No risk no gain. Ha

I'm home!!!!

Came back from Beijing at last. The 8days 7nights trip was awesome. Though the weather is a bit too much for me lol. Negative 16 degree celcius in Beijing. Three words to describe: Cold Die Me . I wore seven layers. Included thermo wear. And I looked like a ball. A Ball. The food there, hmmm not that good besides Beijing Roasted Duck. Haha. Another thing about Chinese in Beijing, they spit wherever, whenever they like. Even inside the museum. Kkakk PUI! I was taken aback by their behaviors. They don't even bother to find a toilet or even a dustbin to spit. Round of applause for them. Whenever I think about China, the first thing that comes to my mind is their public toilets. Toilets without doors. But thank god this time I went, I never come across toilets without doors. But doors that can't lock sure got lar lol. I remembered when I went to Guilin, China last time, those chinese ladies they don't close the toilet door when they pee! I'm not kidding. I swear there wa

B is for boring

Just another boring Sunday. I feel like dying, seriously. Facebook is boring. Twitter is boring. And I'm too lazy to study. And I dislike watching tv. My life is so boring. I'm blogging now. I don't know what to post. Just feel like typing. Gahhhhhh.... Went to take passport photo for IELTS. Worst passport photo I've ever taken. Ugly like shit but I don't give a damn. Wanted to buy chicken rice but ended up cooking myself because hormone changed. Suddenly became so feminine, want to cook. fml. Cooked something that looks nice but taste like shit. Miss mom's food so badly now. I swore I'll never ever cook again unless I have no choice but to cook. I can't think of anything to do besides sleeping. Most probably will go sleep after posting this post. Am missing someone... SPONGEBOB! I don't why I like him so much. Lol. Well, I don't usually use fml. ugly like shit, taste like shit . Today is an exception :) Quote of the day: If its never dark, you

CNY feel

Wee~ Chinese New Year is just around the corner. I tried out some nail designs. Gonna make my nails pretty pretty for CNY. I know its colourful haha. Which design should I do? Dilemma. This year CNY will be a great one. I'm gonna celebrate CNY at Beijing. *screams*. Well, my parents and I spent almost every Chinese new year somewhere else lol. But usually we'll go to some non-chinese place. I know chinese are everywhere around the world but when I say chinese people place, I meant China. Haha. Imagine the crowd in Beijing. Awwwwshummmm!! It's gonna be a cold cold trip because it's winter in China now. Lowest temperature will be below under zero degree Celsius. Rawrrr. Highest temperature, not more than ten degree celsius. Awwwwwshummmm!!!! Cold die me.. Anyway I'm looking forward to the trip. :))) Will enjoy myself to the max! Quote of the day: Never be sad or upset if someone doesn't recognize your worth. Consider it as their loss because people who don't

First day of school

First day of school, and this is what I got...... . . . . . . . . . . This means its time to throw away old shoes and buy new ones hahahahahaha. 2012 shall be a good year. Wishing the best for myself, my family and my friends. The bad days are gone. Good days are coming. Be patient. Patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet. Quote of the day: Don't lower your standards. Instead, wait for people to rise up to your expectations.