
Showing posts from 2011


The 4d2n Langkawi trip is over. I had so much fun. Surely it is a memorable trip. Sorry cause I only have three pictures. I didn't bring any camera and my friends have not uploaded the photos. Sadded. In the airport Group picture taken during island hopping The parody of 'The Apple of My Eyes' lol macam yes. Just a short update. I am really tired. Gonna update more next time. :) Quote of the day: Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already knew.

Outing 13.12.11

Sorry no photos available. Didn't take any photo just now. Actually the outing was okay but we don't have much time. If the outing was longer, I can bet it'll be fun. Anyways, we'll have next time. :) Watched 'Petaling Street Warriors'. Not to say it's a great movie but if you just want to laugh, go watch. Bought myself three things. 1. Yellow colour nail polish 2. Black colour flower earrings 3. Nail decoration. Sorry no picture to illustrate cause I don't know what's wrong with my phone's bluetooth. I can't send the pictures in my phone to my laptop :( Is it my phone's problem or my laptop's problem? Sigh sigh sigh Bored. Messy room sigh Quote of the day: Life is not about the mistakes we’ve made. It’s about the lessons we’ve learned and the friends we’ve gained.

Home is ♥

I'm home! Happy to the max now! :) Camwhore in my room haha Soulmate picked me up from the bus station. Then we went to Ipoh Garden South. There are lots of boutiques there. Seriously if you have lots of money, go there can shop till you drop. Don't even need to ask if I bought myself anything. Of course! Though quite heart aching Green dress!!!! Awesome. Seriously love this dress so much ♥ I forgotten the shop name haha. There's another red one but I like the green one more. They only have two in the shop. I took the S size so left M size. After that we went to Ipoh Parade. Saw my dream bag! A nd it's yellow some more. Awesomeness doubled. ♥ Two ways of using :) I've always wanted to get a bag like this. But those I saw in KL are quite expensive. Around RM50 for one? This one cost me 30 bucks only. Hahahaha soooo happpyyyyyy ♥ ♥ ♥ Quote of the day: If you wanna succeed, never imitate anybody. Never want t

Ipoh here I come!

Finally it's semester break! Finally. This is the last month of the year. Aahhh time flies so fast. I'm turning 19 next year. Good thing or bad thing? I'm coming home! Miss my home. Miss my bed. Miss the good food. Miss my friends. Last but not least I MISS MY FAMILY ESPECIALLY MY PARENTS. Called mom the other day telling her I'm coming home. And I told her I want to have nice nice food when I come back and I asked her to cook all my favourite dishes. Clap clap clap. Though it's semester break but I have lots to do when I go back to my hometown. I have to get ready all my documents needed by the University. Take passport photo. etc etc. Really can't wait to go Uni. Doing dentistry has always been my dream and now I'm one step nearer to my dream. Will surely miss my family the most and also my friends. Will only see you people when AirAsia got free flight ticket hahaha kidding! I really love reading quotes, especially those very meaningful quotes. Therefore

Tutti Frutti is ♥

Yay! Awesome pictures right? Credits to Chris for editing them. See, my fringe like got highlight haha! Silly conversations at tutti frutti: Chris: Which flavour nice leh? Me: Don't know wor. Chris: Don't want the original flavour. Not nice. Both of us start looking at the flavours available Chris: This one lar. Pointing at tutti frutti flavour. Haha I know it's not funny. But I never say it's funny :P So we picked three flavours. Tutti Frutti, oreo cream and strawberry. Topping time! Me: Ehhh, put something light ar later weight that time very heavy. Chris starts putting chocolate rice on the yogurt and I put cornflakes on the yogurt. Take this take that. We take only cereals cause they are light haha ftw. Chris saw longan. Chris: Ei, I want to eat longan lar. And she took only one and put into the cup haha. Ahhh... and I want this. Start putting smarties into the cup. And this.. gummy bears. At the counter when we're about to pay.. Chris: Wait! still got this..

Ipoh 4days3nights trip

Finally my 'ohm' to blog is back! Exams are over, like finally. Should have updated my blog last week but I was too lazy. So yea I'm lazy to type so more pictures in this post. :) After the last paper, we were so happy. Went to Sunway Pyramid to watch 'The apple of my eyes' the second time. With the same people. Really love that movie a lot. But it was kinda stupid. We laughed before the funny scenes were shown because we already knew what's going to happen. After movie, went to Chiyin's place. Went there to waste time cause we're lazy to go home. At night, after dinner we went to Euphoria. Joseph said the night we went was the last night for Euphoria because they were closing down the next day. How sad. Later, we went to a mamak stall. Sat there chit chat. Took some pictures. The angels hahahaha lol So the next day I went back to Ipoh. Met up with soulmate ku, Evon. Went to Kinta City. Donashi as lunch :) Haha macam yes. Actually donashi doesn't ta

Do you believe in parallel universe?

Finally I'm home! Hangout with classmates. Went to watch movie. Really like the moment when I can put away my stress and anxiety for a day. Exams are not over. Three more papers to go but the important ones are over. When I say important one means paper that carries the most mark in each subject . Was daydreaming while driving just now. My eyes were on the road but my soul was somewhere else. Still, I reached home safely. This shows how familiar I am with the road. Close eyes also can reach home haha. I'm a bad example. When you're driving, concentration is the most important. Do you believe in parallel universe? Haha learnt this from the movie. Though the ending wasn't a happy one but still okay cause no one died Hahahaha I'm so bad. What I can say is, the movie is so true. Maybe because it was based on a real life story. Things that I find so true in the movie: 1. Your first love will not be your husband 2. No matter how much you like a person, he or she might n


One more Paper 2 only! Excited to the max! Next week only multiple choice questions. Woohoo!! My top ten favourite songs for the time being: 1. Say you like me by We like Kings I'm never going down. I'm never giving up. 2. Paint my love by Michael Learns to Rock Paint my love, you should paint my love. It's a picture of thousands sunsets. 3. I still believe by Mariah Carey I still believe someday you and me, will find ourselves in love again. 4. Good life by One republic Oh this is gotta be good life.. 5. Officially Missing You by Tamia All I hear is raindrop, falling from the rooftop. 6. You make me feel by Cobra Starship You make me feel like lalalalala 7. Always be my baby David Cook's version Now you want to be free, so I'm letting you fly.. 8. I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you babe.. 9. Fearless by Taylor Swift You take my hand and drag me head first fearless.

Happy Meal :)

Happy Thursday! Sat for Physics paper this morning. Wasn't that bad. At least I tried and I finished the whole paper. :) Tomorrow's paper. Aahh. Used to be my favourite subject. Not trying to boast but back in high school, I always get 90% and above for my Maths paper. No joke. There was once, I got 99%. Lost one mark due to careless mistake. Anyway, still very good right? You thought easy to get 99%? Though it was kinda easy for me lol. I did not so well in maths for mock. Was very disappointed with myself. Everyone around me got distinction. I only got a credit for maths. :( I know I should work harder. Of all the subjects, maths is the one that I must not ever fail. Cause daddy said maths very important. Haha. I posted on Facebook that I wanted to buy happy meal from Mcd so I can get a free toy. And I really bought a happy meal. No joke. Haha. Free toy is Ronold!! FYI the head can shake one Lol I asked Ronold to pose and he posed. Tada Ronold and Happy meal. Wtf? Hahahaha Ro

A little bit of heaven

Seriously made me wanna cry after watching Kate Hudson as Marley and Gael Garcia Bernal as Julian. Marley, she was such a happy person. Till one day when she went for a body checkup because she realised her stool has blood. Later on she found out that she was diagnosed with colon cancer and it was the last stage. Even chemo can't help her get better. She was granted three wishes by Whoopi FYI is the God lol . First, she said she wanna fly. Second, she said she want a million bucks. The third wish, I thought she will say "I want to live". But sadly, no. The third wish she asked for true love. When she went for the body checkup, she met Dr. Julian He's so cute right And that was how they met. And later on, both of them realised that they have fallen for each other but Marley can't live any longer. Her cancer can't be cured with chemo and she refused to try another treatment method which was very risky that no one has tried before. She prefer to live her life to


Egg, fish fillet and potato wedges. Another short update. Having exam next week. Have to work super duper hard. God bless me and all of you. Have a nice day, readers! :) Sorry I know the fried egg looks ugly lol

How to make bitter gourd soup

My very own way of making bitter gourd soup. To make it you will need 1. Bitter gourd 2. Chicken breast meat 3. An egg 4. Some garlic 5. Fish balls 6. Some oil 7. Chicken stock 8. Some salt I didn't put the amount needed because it really depends on you. Some like more bitter gourd, some like more chicken etc First step: Start boiling some water in a pot Amount is optional. Depends how much soup you want to make Second step: Chop the garlic, cut the bitter gourd Size again is optional. I sliced the bitter gourd anyway lol, cut the chicken breast meat Not too small not too big. Put aside all these ingredients. Third step: Heat a frying pan, put in some oil and then put in the chopped garlic. Fry the garlic till it turns golden brown. Then onto the same pan, crack an egg. Fry the egg till it's completely cooked You can even break the egg yolk while frying. Lol sound so wrong Fourth step: Put the fried garlic and egg into the pot. The water should be boiling by now. Put in the c

This week's colour

Hello readers I'm back after 15 hours. Lol. As I've said in the earlier post, I went to watch movie with my classmates. But before that, I did some shopping with Wei Ying and Meei Jin. Bought something that can cheer me up lol. That two lil heart shape bottle looks so cute right Today I'm gonna share with you guys, how I usually paint my nails. And, I promise the result will be good lol. At least for me the result is good. :) So here we go. Firstly, cut your nails into desired shape. It can be square or round. But I'll go with the round one cause my nails are not long enough. After that, paint your nails with a thin layer of top coat. Okay, you must be wondering why I used top coat instead of base coat. Well, for me I don't really care cause I personally thinks that both are the same. Lol. Reasons why we need to apply a layer of transparent paint before applying the coloured paint. 1. So that you'll have a smooth surface when you paint with the coloured paint .

Give me some 'time'

If you're living in a world where.... and.. My god Imma die I guess lol Oh wells it's time to call it a day. Should spend some time to update my blog. Went to watch In Time with my classmates. It was an awesome movie. My rating: 8/10. To those who haven't watch, it is worth to spend some time to watch this movie. Though in the world we're living, time is not money and power. But one thing in this movie that is quite similar to the reality is that, 1 percent of the population earns around 96 percent of all the money that's being earned. Not quite sure about the ratios but don't you agree with me that some people can be like so damn rich, millionaires, billionaires yet they are still people out there, homeless, starving etc. Well maybe it is designed this way. Shouldn't question too much. Be grateful for what I have now. :) Still, I will say, must watch this movie cause Timbalake is handsome and Seyfried is pretty. Love the heels she wore in the movie and whoa

1.11.11 Make a wish!

If you're granted a wish, what would that wish be? You only have one wish. Okay? Close your eyes and make that wish! One one one one one. Happens only once in a century, I think. Nahhh.. One one one one one one coming soon. The 11th of November 2011. But it still wouldn't be that special because it's the 11th day of the month. Today is the first. Ask you one question. What or who is number one in your life? My answer will be my family. What about you? :)

Red lips

Today my happiness level went down. Though it's not minimum point yet but my happiness level is negative now. I can't tell why I'm not happy. Yea, sat for my statistics paper this morning but I'm pretty sure that's not the reason. The paper was okay for me. Girls always have mood swing. I'm one of them too. People always say we should forget the past and look forward to our future. Once in a wile, I still look back to what I used to have. Nobody can get me through this pain besides myself. Sometimes it's not that I don't want help from my friends. But we really need time to be alone, to find back ourselves. So, I bought myself a slice of cake from secret recipe. Chocolate banana. They say eating chocolate can make you happy Red lips are awesome right? Red lipstick is very classy and it never goes out of style. Red lipstick makes your lips looks sexy. Don't you agree? In my opinion, red lipstick is suitable for all occasion but make sure your make up

Happiness- Time graph

Hello readers! I'm back again. Today's post should be quite interesting. Did some drawing this morning. Tada! Nope it's not a sine graph. See carefully. It's a 'Happiness against Time' graph. Yeap, my creation. Why do I have such idea that a happiness graph should look this way? Well, just keep scrolling down.... Oh by the way sorry for the low quality picture. Thousands of apology . Recently, people around me aren't very happy. Including myself, I'm not that happy but still quite happy haha. So, I personally believe that happiness has a maximum point and also a minimum point. (Marked with X in the graph). When you are at the maximum point, oh yes you are very happy because everything around you goes the way you liked. Example, you get really good grades in your exam, your relationship with your partner is super good that everyone around you envies the both of you, money falling from the sky etc etc etc and the list can go very long. But, in the world we

Say NO to stress

Hello readers! I'm taking a break now after hours of revision. Lol a ctually only one hour. Gonna sit for statistics paper on Monday. My brain is full of numbers now. Histogram, normal distribution, probability, binomial distribution, expectation, variance, ^&**&^%$#@#$ etc etc etc. Nervous to the max now! Two weeks ago, I even had insomnia due to stress. It was terrible. Imagine when I can finally sleep at 0600 and the alarm rang at 0 615. Turn off the alarm and continue sleeping. I ended up skipping school on that day. How to reduce stress? I have no idea. But, I know stress is not good. Lol who doesn't know that? See the problems that are caused by stress? You want a healthy lifestyle, a longer life span. So don't stress out yourself! And and and, stress also causes breakouts. Trust me, breakouts are not fun at all. I've been through this stage. I can't say that I've completely recovered but after I went to the skin specialist, my face is now clearer

The Brain Food

What's brain food? Food that makes you smarter and more intelligent! Whoah!!!! I want! NO SUCH THING PLEASE. They say brain food can enhance your memory, make you remember things more easily. Especially for student like me, brain food is essential. I think I have short- termed memory lost. Keep forgetting things I just read, erm seconds ago? Or did I mess up long- termed and short- termed? Lol? Anyway back to the point. Brain food. I can tell you straight away with my eyes closed. How to type with my eyes closed? Stupidity. Eggs, leafy vege, cereal, oat, fruits, nuts oh and I heard chocolate too. Well that's not all. There are lots more brain food out there but whether it works or not as brain food, is a different story. Okay, story time now. I sat for Cambridge Paper 3 Chemistry, 5 hours ago. What a disaster. It's not that I don't understand the question. It's a matter of time. I don't have enough time to complete my report. Oh yes, for your information, Pape

A lil treat for myself

Ta-da! Garnash chocolate. Have not try yet but it looks nice. Soooo chocolatey... Yum! I have no idea why is it called Garnash. Well, I heard from my friend, she said garnash is some kind of cream, you know people used it to decorate cupcakes and make them look so colourful and attractive. Yea, those are garnash. So, this piece of tiny thing is called Garnash Chocolate maybe because the topping they used 'garnash' instead of cream. Don't ask me what's the difference between normal whipped cream and garnash! I have no idea. Haha. I only know how to eat. I bought this cake from Patis Coco I find this name cute ^^ . Location is around Bandar Putri, Puchong. So far I find their breads and cakes are quite good. Not too bad. Reasonable price.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed

'Hui Lin, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?", she said. FYI, the she is my lecturer. Oh wells, my bad for not listening to her in class and I was caught twice for not paying attention. Misery. First time, I was caught  reading the newspaper when she was teaching. Second time, I was caught talking to my friend. Haha. Actually I find it funny. About 30 people in the class and I was the one got caught. I can swear to you half of the class was talking. Louder than me obviously. But she said nothing. Maybe I'm way too attractive today? What a joke. Anyway I'm not mad or what. She's not mad too. She said, " Hui Lin, what happened to you today?" and she start talking to other classmates, "She's usually very attentive." looking back at me and here comes the golden phrase " Hui Lin, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?" Well what exactly is meant by 'get up on the wrong side of the bed'? According to a diction

Hui Lin oh Hui Lin

What am I doing? WHAT AM I DOING? Oh my I should be studying now instead of surfing the net. And now, blogging some more. Hui Lin, you're kinda, hopeless I can say. Haha. This week, did something that I have never done before for my past 17 years. Went to Cyber cafe to game. With my classmates. Yea, I love my classmates a lot. We're like one big family, go everywhere together. Lunch together. Though sometimes they prefer to go eat at the market, which me, Chris and Chiyin will definitely not go. Anyway, enough about my classmates. Called my mom yesterday and mom said I forgotten her cause I have not call her for like a week? Sighh was kinda upset after I talked to her cause she brought up some topic that I don't wish to mention at all. But nevermind. I don't blame her cause she knew nothing, so yea just forget bout it. To my best friends, I hope they are seeing this. Especially for Elaine, I was touched by your post seriously. No one in this world will ever think that I

Came and left

Hello readers I'm back. Mock exam was over and I did so badly. No point crying because there's no one to be blamed but myself. If you ask, how much effort that I put in. I'll tell you it's just 30%. Well, my life. Can I say it's disastrous? Lol I know shouldn't say that. Good things bad things happened in our life to make it meaningful. There's so much that I wish I could tell him. I'm not mad at him or what. I knew this day would come but I never expected it come so fast. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. From today onward, my only concentration should be on studies. In order to achieve my dream, I know I can no longer procrastinate anymore. Friends out there, I hope you guys too are working hard for your goals. Best of luck in whatever you're doing. One thing I'm sure now is, we'll shine together in the future. Have a nice day!

Will be on hiatus for weeks

Well, gonna change my blogging style. I hope you realized what I've changed. Mock exam is just around the corner and yet I've not fully prepare myself. Everyday waste time waste time waste time. Slack slack slack. FB FB FB. Twit twit twit. No dating. What a sad thing. Currently listening to Keri Hilson's Pretty girls rock. Sorry people I know I'm crapping. Talking stuffs that are not related to each other. Forgive me. Lately, so much has happened. Recently I realized that I'm actually a super tolerable person, super good tempered, which makes everyone think I easy to be bullied, keep stepping me, step step step, don't even know how painful I am. Come on, do I deserve all these? Well, I shouldn't say I deserve it or not. Actually I exaggerated a little bit. I wasn't bullied. Just felt that everyone around me is not caring bout my feeling. I smiled doesn't mean I'm alright. Deep inside, I'm bleeding like hell, but who knows? I taught you g

The Secret

Hey peeps, my blog is dying. Not gonna let her die so Imma update a lil bit. Hi how are you guys? So far so good? Trial exam is coming soon. I'm doing nothing but sitting here, blogging. Well I know I suck but that's me you know? The Procrastinator. Anyway I'm gonna study, no matter how. Lately, I have been watching 'The Secret'. Well, I bet my high school friends will know what it is. Helena, remember? Haha. Anyway it is something worth to watch. Some might think it's ridiculous because most of the time, the secret doesn't work on them. Right here I can tell you, it's not ridiculous at all. Because what those people said in the secret is very true. To be loved, you must be able to give love. Same goes to if you wanna be hated, ignored, complained or what so ever, go ahead, complain more. It's not hard to use the secret. One word. POSITIVE. Well, those people might have exaggerated a lil bit. Haha no offence anyway. Still, I agreed that when y

The Pisces woman

She is captivating and fascinating. She makes a man feel like a man because of her need for a protector and leader. She is charming, soft and feminine. She can see right through a man and she is not easy to fool. So man better be straight with her and not lead her on. Instead of confronting him, she will simply disappear. She needs to nurture and will give the man orders, but only for his own good. She will make sure he is eating properly and getting enough sleep. Sort of like a mother nurturing a child. What she needs in return is a man to protect and cherish her, make her feel like she's needed and loved. She needs patience and sympathy. Don't make fun or tease and definitely do not reject her harshly because she can't stand rejection. She is extremely romantic and will lose herself in the relationship. The Pisces woman is the ultra feminine nurturer, the ideal woman for the right man.


I felt distance between us. The end.


If jumping off a building can solve the problem, I guess I would have jumped. Every time when I think of how bad I am in studies, I feel like crying, slapping myself tight tight. If slapping plus crying can make me smarter, I don't mind crying everyday till my eyes are swollen and slapping myself till my face is red. I used to tell myself that genes make me like that. I have been putting all the blames on my genes. =.= It is so true that I'm a jack of all traits but master of none. I know this a little bit and I know that a little bit. My mom used to say that I carry a lot of knives with me but none of them are sharp. What is the point of having so many knives when non of them are sharp? If you have one good and sharp knife with you, you can even kill a person. And those who have many knives and all are sharp, those are really masters! I hope I can at least pick a knife that I have and start sharpening it. But which one? It seems that all the knives that I carry are too blunt,


I feel sorry for myself because I'm such a vulnerable person. Even small things can bring me down. I just hope one day I will be able to understand the phrase 'Take it easy'. Life can be very simple. Doing things that you love. Ignoring things that you hate. STOP THINKING NONSENSE. Recently I'm in misery. Please, stop singing that song. I try to forget but I can't. This issue is driving me crazy. And, I don't remember how many times I cried because of this. The reasons are not important. As long as I still carry a smile on face, there's nothing to be worried about. Don't ask me what happened because you will only make me recall the pain. Yea, I was hurt so badly and I need time to forget. I will forget, I promise.

Love lessons

Once a day: Laugh together Talk to each other for half an hour about anything and everything Hugs. Once a week: Sit in silence together for a while, somewhere where both of you love. Give each other a break, go separate ways and spend a few hours apart. Once a month: Watch sunrise Give each other some surprises. Once a year: Celebrate anniversaries Holiday separately because missed people become closer. Once a lifetime: Get married with the one you loved Make it through a major relationship obstacle Become parents.

Saturday so what? =.=

It's Saturday peeps. And I'm rotting at home. No hang out because of the 'Bersih' thing. Sight. Second mother came to pay a visit so don't have the mood to do anything. Yesterday experienced the worst traffic jam I've seen so far. Still am quite grateful that I reached home early. Some of my friends were stuck in the traffic for hours and Darren dear reach home at 11pm. == Only in Malaysia you can experience this. Are you proud to be a Malaysian? FTW Thanks to Chris that I'm watching all those 'Bersih' videos now. LOL It's so addictive. I should be doing SAQ now but I'm so not in the mood now. So how? Die lor. T.T

Guys and Girls

Guys drink to forget about the girl. Girls drink to think back about the guy. When guys are in love, they become weaker. When girls are in love, they become prettier. Guys can forget, but cannot forgive. Girls can forgive, but cannot forget. Guys care most about the quantity of love but, Girls care most about the quality of love. Guys break up when they feel love from another. Girls break up when they feel separation from her man. Guys feel curious towards all girls. Girls feel curious towards the guys who are interested in her. When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget the girl by going out with other girls. When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics from other guys. Guys wish to be her first love. Girls wish to be his last love. Never get into a love when you meant to break a heart. Never look into eyes when you are meant to lie. Promises are meant to be kept. Wishes are only meant to be fulfilled. Scars will never heal. Hearts are not meant to be played wit

Love begets love

Begets means to cause. Love begets love means if you love someone, you'll be loved back. When you love someone, doesn't mean that person will love you back. So in short, you must be willing to love in order to be loved back. Treasure the ones you love. Love them for who they are. Even if they don't love you in return, doesn't matter. Love them just because you can. Have a nice day my friends. ^^

FYI I'm a Korean LMAO

Yesterday was totally an experience to me. I thought such situation only happens in drama. LOL Anyway, the story goes like this.... I was sitting in Sunway Pyramid Starbucks waiting for someone. I noticed this guy infront of me was looking at me all the time but I don't really care so I just continue revising my maths. When he left, he walked to me and gave me a piece of paper and on the paper was a drawing of my face. You think it's sweet but I think it's scary. LOL Why there are such random people on this earth? And another incident happened on the same day in Starbucks too. There were this two girls walking around asking people to donate. So, when one of them approach me, I disguised as a Korean. Freaking awesome me! The most funny part is that she actually believed, apologized and left. LOL Okay that's all for today. Gonna meet up with chiyinku now. Bye peeps.

Hi peeps!

Finally the 'ohm' to blog is back! Hi peeps. How's your day? Maths quiz tomorrow. I love Binomial theorem. I love Arithmetic progression. I love Geometric progression. I LOVE MATHS. I'm not myself now. Sorry. Miss Jas is leaving. T.T I want her. Exam is around the corner. Gonna screw it like how I used to screw exams in high school. =.= You thought I like to screw up exams? Actually I don't like. Best message I've received: " I saw a shooting star. Just wanted to say I love u dear." Credits to Darren Wong. ^^


Sorry people I have not been updating my blog. Was quite busy for the past few weeks. Deleted many unwanted post. LOL And I've got nothing to crap so bye peeps! ^^

Just a random one

Hi peeps. My days were good. Life as normal. No special event. Just study study study. To my friends that had started F6, All the best in your studies and Hwaiting! =)


因为爱,所以爱, Because of love, so love 珍惜在一起的愉快 Cherish the happy moments we had together 一分开,你不在, Once separated, you're not here anymore 怀念空气里的对白 Miss the dialogue in the air 因为爱,所以爱, Because of love, so love 让我付出我的关怀 Let me sacrifice my care 不管风吹或日晒, Doesn't matter if the wind blows or the sun shines 我才明白一切都是因为爱 Later only I understand it's all because of love. Sorry people I know my translation sucks. LOL Anyway, I'm in a good mood today. Nice day my friends ^^

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful

Hello readers. Good day. Today is Mother's Day! Have you wish your mom and give her a big hug? ^^ Yesterday went to Thirty-two Bistro to celebrate my sis's birthday. Well, I didn't drink alcohol anyway. My sis ordered 'Shirley Temple' for me. It's a non-alcoholic cocktail. Although there's a big gap between me and my sis's friend but anyway I had lots of fun yesterday night because all her friends are so crazy. LOL My sis was knock-out yesterday and I have to drive her home. The feeling of driving Vios was superb! This morning I drove again because my sis ask me to send her to her work place. After that I have to drive home alone and the feeling was even superb! Back to yesterday night, my sis friend, William can actually finish the beer in one shot. Truth to be told he was very cool. I can't remember how many glass he drank but he was quite steady when we went home. But anyway, yesterday was totally an experience to me. ^^ I got addicted to Keri Hi


Whoa people~ Time seriously flies VERY fast. My god. Tomorrow is Friday already. I'm going back to Ipoh on Saturday. Really can't wait to see my family and friends. ^^ Yesterday's Pre-U gathering was kinda boring. Not as good as I've expected. You ask if I saw any handsome. Not really. Yea maybe one? LOL The one who performed yesterday was quite handsome anyway. He was my classmate's friend. He really sang very well and truth to be told, I was quite impressed. If he was performing for a girl or what, that'll be extremely sweet. But anyway, not my cup of tea. LOL. You see sometimes things are weird. You'll say a person is handsome or cute but you'll never fall for him. So I can say that guy is handsome but I won't like him. LOL Sorry people. Minus the crap part. Oh by the way, the cute guy's name is 'Chronicle' if I'm not mistaken. LOL Didn't ask my friend for the spelling. Physics assignment waiting for me. Will update again very

Scary people

Hello readers! Sorry I was on hiatus for the past 6days. So I'm back now! LOL My life has been really good because I learnt to take things easy. ^^ On Friday I was quite pissed out because of a classmate. Well, I don't like shooting shooting people in blog so I'll just skip that part. One thing very important that I have to tell my readers is that ATTITUDE is very important. This guy made me so angry because of his attitude. He was dead to me on Friday because I really don't feel like talking to him anymore. He kept saying sorry and I just ignored him. But anyway, I am a kind and forgiving person. LOL I understand different families have different upbringings. I believe for the past 17 years of his life, he didn't realise his attitude. So I was mad at him so that he'll change. And I really should tell him this, " If you want to be a doctor, change your attitude." He kept telling me he'll change. So, we'll see if he will change. New friends arou